Permits & Licenses
Special Event Permit Information
An event may be considered a "Special Event" if any of the following apply:
gatherings/events that involve large groups of people,
advertised to the public and do not occur regularly on a site,
cause impact to or use City streets (including curb or parking lane), sidewalks and/or public rights-of-way, and/or
use City facilities or property (i.e., city buildings, parks and parking lots)
Examples include, but are not limited to a road race, bike race, walk, parade, festival, market, carnival, concert, block party, car show, vigil/protest, wedding, etc.
Permit Application Requirements:
Special Events require a permit issued by the City. Additional documents which the City may also require to make an application complete include:
Certificate of Insurance releasing the City of Seneca from liability.
Street closure plan.
Traffic control plan.
ODOT and/or Clackamas County approval.
Park/shelter reservation form if event is to be held at City park.
Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) Permit: If alcohol use is planned for your Special Event, submit OLCC permits with your application.
Temporary Restaurant License & Food Handler Certificate: For any food service establishment in the street, public right-of-way, and City facility.
Traffic Control Plan
You will need to include a Traffic Control Plan if your event is to affect public right-of-way with any one of these conditions (Note: Public right-of-way extends beyond the paved or travel surface of a roadway):
Restrict or close a roadway (lanes, bike lanes, shoulders, etc.)
Restrict or close a sidewalk/pathway
Restrict or close a driveway
Restrict or close parking spaces
Restrict or close a Public Parking Lot
Directing traffic with the use of a Certified Flagger, Police Officer or signs
Posting of any signs in the right-of-way
Examples of Traffic Control Plans: A Traffic Control Plan should site specific map of routes or locations where event will take place:
Streets and cross streets with lane configurations
Location and placement of all required MUTCD advance warning signs (list type of signs to be used)
Location and placement of all certified flaggers
Placement of cones and cone tapers
Show traffic, pedestrian and bike detours and/or delays
Show affected businesses
Additional Information
After receipt of the Special Event Permit Application, you may be contacted by affected City departments if additional information is needed or to discuss the specific plans to accommodate the Event and its impact upon the public generally.
Submission of Application for Permit
An application is available through clicking the link above or picking one up at the City office during regular business hours. Once the form is completed it can by submitted to the City by email, fax, or mail to the City of Seneca:
City of Seneca
106 A Ave./P. O. Box 208
Seneca, Oregon 97873
Fax: 877-688-0015
Email: cityseneca@centurytel.net
Conditional Use Permit Information