Grant County Shooting Sports Club Seneca Range
Saturday September 21 there will be a Fun and Games Trap Shoot. Cost 3$ with a $5 payout. Starts at 0930. Shorty Hoppe will be hosting. Should be water and Coffee available.
Saturday October 5th Skeet and if desired the Trap range will be open for Practice $6 per 25 targets. Mark Bagett will host it.
We are looking to have a Fun and Games Meat prize shoot probably October 19th or 26th. Not sure yet.
Seneca Oyster-LESS Classic
Postponed until later date
The Seneca Oyster Classic has been postponed. We will post the re-scheduled date soon.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
The Ball Shack
Specialty - Meatball Sandwich
Facebook- The Ball Shack
101 Barnes Ave
Bear Valley Meadows Golf Course
Public Golf Course/Pasture Golf
Hwy 395 S
Lodging and RV Park
306 Barnes Ave (Hwy 395 S)
Bear Valley Stores
Mini-Mart and Gas Station
209 Barnes Ave (Hwy 395 S)
Seneca Post Office
112 Barnes Ave.
Seneca Elementary School
101 Park Ave
Seneca Range (Grant County Shooting & Sports Club)
Seasonal Shooting Range
The "No-Way" Seneca Community Gardens
View of the Garden from the 1st Street (16 road).
The first tomato, a Roma tomato, of the year!
The Smiths tending the Garden. Lots of weeding to do.
In 2009 Master Gardener and resident Suzanne Findlay became instrumental in bringing the idea of a community garden to Seneca. By enlisting the help of a group of residents along with City officials, local ranchers, 4H and the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Indians, this incredible asset was born.
Today, work continues at the “No-Way” Seneca Community Garden. The harsh climate makes the conditions for gardening here in Seneca quite challenging, hence its name. This year there are no fees and the garden is open to all who are brave of heart and interested in digging, planting, weeding and, when the time comes, harvesting.
Eight of the nine beds have been tilled and have started to sprout lettuce, peas, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, and radishes with starts of broccoli, cabbage, and squash planted. Bed #5 is dedicated to children interested in learning to grow their own food. On most days there will be an adult at the garden in the morning hours for children to come by and play in the dirt.
Everyone is welcome to visit the garden during daylight hours. You can sit a spell or stroll around the beds and watch nature produce its bounty.
Special recognition goes to Dale and Vicki McCormick and Jerry Smith for weed eating around the beds and to Barb Northington and Dale McCormick for tilling the garden beds.
The No-Way Seneca Community Garden Philosophy:
Provide adequate garden space for city residents.
Pool gardening knowledge and encourage new gardeners to grow food.
Share harvest with others.
We are interested in acquiring a small garden shed if anyone has one to donate.
Please call Suzie Hood for information. 541-575-9101 Garden Manager