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  • Contact | city-of-seneca

    Questions? Concerns? Just Want to Talk? City of Seneca 106 A Avenue PO Box 208 Seneca, OR 97873 Phone: 541.542.2161 Fax: 877.688.0015 Email: Your message was sent successfully! Send Links to Grant County and Local Cities Grant County Chamber of Commerce Prairie City City of John Day City of Long Creek Grant County Historical Museum Harney County Chamber of Commerce City of Burns Harney County Harney County Historical Museum Crystal Crane Hot Springs John Day Fossil Beds The Painted Hills Silvies Valley Ranch Malheur National Forest

  • Solar Eclipse | city-of-seneca

    Photograph courtesy of Rick Fienberg / TravelQuest International / Wilderness Travel Thank You All for Visiting!!! To all of you who either got to stay overnight with us or just visited on the day of the Eclipse, the City of Seneca Thanks You. We all had a great time and we hope you enjoyed your stay in our "neck of the woods". If you have any pictures of the event or of your stay that you'd like to share, feel free to email them and they will be posted here. Thank You, Again.

  • Newsletters | city-of-seneca

    Newsletters Newsletters are currently only printed on the back of each monthly utility bill and attached to emailed utility bills. Copies of any previous newsletters can be requested at any time if they're not found here. Current Newsletter Seneca's newsletter 2023 January Febuary march april may june July August September October November Dec 2018 Jan July Feb Aug March Sept April Oct May Nov June Dec 2017 Jan July Feb Aug March Sept April Nov May Dec June 2016 Jan July Feb Sept March Oct May Dec June 2015 Oct Aug July June April Jan 2014 Dec Oct July June May

  • City of Seneca, Oregon | Oregon | United States

    Welcome to the City of Seneca, Oregon! Nestled in Bear Valley at nearly 5000' and surrounded by mountains, we have some of the best views in Oregon! The Wigwam At the 2016 Oyster Feed Seneca_2 Seneca, looking north from the south of town. Some of the many small buildings you see in the foreground were originally bachelor bunk houses at Camp 1. When Camp 1 was no longer in use the buildings were brought to Seneca and made into houses. Sometimes two small buildings were put together to make a larger family house. Some, if not all, of these small buildings were built at the Herrick mill site outside of Burns. Seneca Logo 2017 Logo designed by Eloise Boren at E R Printing & Graphics, The Wigwam At the 2016 Oyster Feed 1/25 Notices Forms About Us - The City of Seneca sits nestled in high Bear Valley near the base of the Blue Mountain Range. Sitting at almost 5000 ft, Seneca is known for its record low temperatures (-54 degrees!) throughout the Fall, Winter and Spring months. This small community of less than 200 people has great pride in its town and relishes the remote and personal feel that Seneca offers it's residents. At any given time of the year, there are groups of children riding bikes and playing throughout the town - so we ask that you slow down, watch for children, and enjoy your visit to our beautiful valley. The Seneca post office was established in 1895 and the city named by postmistress Minnie Southworth for her brother-in-law, prominent Portland judge Seneca Smith. While early homesteaders moved into the valley in the late 1800's, Seneca only began growing in 1929 when it became the northern terminus of the now-vacated Oregon and Northwestern Railroad , owned by the Edward Hines Lumber Company , which extended south to Burns. That time marked the beginning of large-scale shipping of Ponderosa Pine logs to the Hines sawmill in Hines from Seneca and the surrounding National Forest. The company established a planing mill and railroad shops in Seneca, and it became essentially a company town. In 1940 Seneca's population was 275. Logging in the area began to decline in the 1970's, and the Hines company ceased operations of its lumber mills and railroad in 1984. The town was incorporated as a city on August 6, 1970 as lumber company control began to wane. Bear Valley Meadows Golf Course presents: The 2021 Seneca Oyster-LESS Classic Postponed Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 regulations, not again this year. Let's hope 2022 is the BEST Oyster Classic yet! What's Going On?! CLICK HERE to see current notices. Amenities Click to see what Seneca has available for you! Oyster Feed Click to find out about the Annual Oyster Feed (May 15th, 2021) which raises money for the Bear Valley Meadows Golf Course. Latest Projects Wastewater System Improvements The City of Seneca was awarded the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the State of Oregon for the 2014 Wastewater Facility Plan. Fall of 2019 Winter 2020 Forms Utility Services Utility Agreement Service On/Off Trash Only (Non-Res) General Use City Hall Building Rental Business License Burn Permit Public Records Request To view a list of Fees click here . Forms

  • Notices & Hearings | city-of-seneca

    2024-25 Budget Hearing NOTICES Sewer Rate Resolution 2024 Regular Fees Copies, per page (8.5x11) . . . . . $0.10 Faxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 City Hall Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Notary Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Burn Permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Special Event Permit . . . . . . . . $25.00 Building/Property Fees Conditional Use Permit . . . . . . $25.00 Encroachment Permit . . . . . . . $25.00 Building Permit Application . . Free Variance Permit . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 Utility Fees Utility Deposit Fee . . . . . . . . . . . $80.00 Water Turn-On Fee . . . . . . . . . . .$50.00 Returned Payment Fee . . . . . . . $25.00 + Amount Owed Availability Fees per month (Water & Sewer/each). . . . . . . $10.00 Pro-rated Billing . . Half or Whole Month Records Request Fees All forms, notices, and access to all public City documents are available during regular City Hall business hours, 9am to 2pm, Monday through Thursday. Copies, per page (8.5x11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.10 Copies, per page (8.5x14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.20 Scanning fee, per page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.20 Faxes, up to 5 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Faxes, per page > 5 pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.20 Archive Retrieval Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 Staff Time (<30 min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Staff Time (>30 min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hourly Rate Certified Mailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postage Certified Copies (per doc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 Map Copies (full-size) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost Summarization Fees (available upon request) . . . . . . Hourly Rate Fees Utility Rate Changes Just a reminder of the utility rate increase, passed by resolutions 01-16 to 03-16. Click here for a full list of the rate changes. Burn Permits are required for all burning and can be obtained free of charge at City Hall during normal business hours, or click here . Just a reminder . . . All forms, notices, and access to all public City documents are available during regular City Hall business hours, 9am to 2pm, Monday through Thursday. Council Meeting Agenda Fees Jan 2025 Council Agenda

  • City Government | city-of-seneca

    Meeting Agendas & Minutes City of Seneca Governance Here you will find information about the City of Seneca's City Governance and links to it's City Council Members and Meeting Minutes. City Charter Charter was Amended and voted in favor for an update in the November 2004 Election. Original City Charter 1974 Title Page Updated City Charter City Codes and Ordinances Titles and Table of Contents Title 1: Administration Title 2: Boards & Commissions Title 3: Business & License Registration An ordinance is a law passed by a municipal government. A municipality, such as a city, town, village, or borough, is a political subdivision of a state within which a municipal corporation has been established to provide local government to a population in a defined area. Ordinances constitute the subject matter of municipal law. The power of municipal governments to enact an ordinance is derived from the state constitution or statutes or through the legislative grant of a municipal charter. The charter in large part dictates how much power elected officials have to regulate actions within the municipality. Municipalities that have been granted “Home Rule” charters by the legislature have the most authority to act. Title 4: Health & Sanitation Title 5: Public Safety Title 6: Motor Vehicles & Traffic Title 7: Public Ways & Property Title 8: Water & Sewer Title 9: Building Regulations Title 10: Zoning Regulations Title 11: Subdivision Regulations Title 12: Flood Control Index Appendix Original Resolution Resolution 92-1 Resolution 1 Resolution 2 Resolution 99-01 Resolutions The practice of submitting and voting on resolutions is a typical part of business in Congress, state legislature, and other public assemblies. These bodies use resolutions for two purposes. First, resolutions express their consensus on matters of public policy: lawmakers routinely deliver criticism or support on a broad range of social issues, legal rights, court opinions, and even decisions by the Executive Branch. Second, they pass resolutions for internal, administrative purposes. Resolutions are not laws; they differ fundamentally in their purpose. However, under certain circumstances, resolutions can have the effect of law. Resolution 99-04 Resolution 99-05 Resolution 00-01 Resolution 00-02 Resolution 01-01 Resolution 01-02 Resolution 02-01 Resolution 02-04 Resolution 03-01 Resolution 03-03 Resolution 03-04 Resolution 03-05 Resolution 01-04 Resolution 03-04 Resolution 05-04 Resolution 07-04 Resolution 09-04 Resolution 11-04 Resolution 13-04 Resolution 02-04 Resolution 04-04 Resolution 06-04 Resolution 08-04 Resolution 10-04 Resolution 12-04 Resolution 14-04 Resolution 01-05 Resolution 03-05 Resolution 05-05 Resolution 02-05 Resolution 04-05 Resolution 06-05 Resolution 07-05 Resolution 08-05 Resolution 09-05 Resolution 01-06 Resolution 03-06 Resolution 02-06 Resolution 04-06 Resolution 01-07 Resolution 03-07 Resolution 02-07 Resolution 04-07 Resolution 05-07 Resolution 06-07 Resolution 07-07 Resolution 08-07 Resolution 01-08 Resolution 03-08 Resolution 02-08 Resolution 04-08 Resolution 01-09 Resolution 02-09 Resolution 03-09 Resolution 04-09 Resolution 05-09 Resolution 06-09 Resolution 01-10 Resolution 02-10 Resolution 03-10 Resolution 04-10 Resolution 05-10 Resolution 06-10 Resolution 07-10 Resolution 08-10 Resolution 09-10 Resolution 10-10 Resolution 01-11 Resolution 02-11 Resolution 03-11 Resolution 04-11 Resolution 01-12 Resolution 02-12 Resolution 03-12 Resolution 04-12 Resolution 05-12 Resolution 02-14 Fair Housing 2012 Resolution 03-14 Resolution 04-14 Resolution 05-14 Resolution 06-14 Resolution 07-14 Resolution 01-16 Resolution 02-16 Resolution 03-16 Resolution 04-16 Resolution 05-16 Resolution 06-16 Resolution 07-16 Resolution 08-16 Resolution 09-16 Resolution 01-15 Resolution 03-15 Resolution 05-15 Resolution 08-15 Resolution 10-15 Resolution 02-15 Resolution 04-15 Resolution 06-15 Resolution 09-15 Resolution 11-15 Resolution 01-17 Resolution 03-17 Resolution 06-17 Resolution 08-17 Resolution 10-17 Resolution 12-17 Resolution 02-17 Resolution 04-17 Resolution 07-17 Resolution 09-17 Resolution 11-17 Resolution 13-17 Resolution 14-17 Resolution 01-18 Resolution 03-18 Resolution 05-18 Resolution 07-18 Resolution 09-18 Resolution 11-18 Resolution 02-18 Resolution 04-18 Resolution 06-18 Resolution 08-18 Resolution 10-18 Resolution 03-22 Resolution 08-24 Button

  • Surplus | city-of-seneca

    NOTICE Bids must be physically submitted to: Seneca City Hall - 106 A Avenue, PO Box 208, Seneca, OR, 97873. No fax, email, or telephone bids will be accepted. mORE pHOTOS aVAILABLE UPON REQUEST for serious buyers only (541)542-2161 Surplus Equipment Ordinance 89 Section 7. Disposition of Personal Property. A. The City Council shall have the authority to determine when personal property owned by the City is surplus. B. The City Council shall determine when all other property is to be considered surplus. C. The City Council shall select the method of disposal which maximizes the value the city will realize from disposal of the surplus property. Surplus personal property shall be disposed of as follows: 1. Sold to the highest qualified buyer meeting the sale terms when the value of each item so offered is less than two thousand dollars and the sale has been advertised at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Seneca area not less than one week prior to the sale; 2. Traded in on the purchase of replacement equipment or supplies; 3. Sold at public auction advertised at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Grant County area not less than one week prior to the auction. The published notice shall specify the time, place and terms upon which the personal property shall be offered and a general description of the personal property to be sold; 4. Sold at a fixed price retail sale if doing so will result in substantially greater net revenue to the city; or 5. Contracted for use, operation or maintenance by one or more private or public entities. Prior to approval of such a contract, the City Council shall determine that the contract will promote the economic development of the city. D. All personal property sold pursuant to this section shall be sold as-is without any warranty, either express or implied, of any kind. E. Sales of surplus personal property may be conducted electronically. 1992 Case Tractor $12,000 Reserve. 1992 Case IH 595 tractor (60HP) with canopy and bucket loader. 870 Hours 1990 Chevrolet Pickup $750 Reserve. *NEEDS MAJOR WORK* Engine and cosmetic issues. Automatic. 4WD. 116,198 Miles 2005 Ford Ranger $4,500 Reserve. *FAIR CONDITION* Major cosmetic flaws but sound mechanics. Manual. 4WD. 61,787 Miles Posts - 4" by 8' Round $6 Each/Sold by Dozen 2 Dozen Limit Per Buyer NO BIDS - CALL (541) 542-2161 *Preference given to Seneca residents* Posts - 6" by 10' Round $7 Each/Sold by Dozen 2 Dozen Limit Per Buyer NO BIDS - CALL (541) 542-2161 *Preference given to Seneca residents*

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